Billion Dollar
Hedge Fund Database

The popular Billion Dollar Hedge Fund Database is an exclusive database focusing on well-known large funds and consolidates 1,500 institutional hedge funds with assets under management greater than US$1 billion. The hedge funds are also selected from a number of regions covering North America, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and Emerging Markets - providing investors with direct and effortless access to this billion dollar hedge fund database.

If you are interested in Billion Dollar Hedge Funds, you are likely to be keen in funds with a more institutional structure. Investors looking for funds with an institutional structure will be able to see information such as the following, which can be found in our database:

  • Chief compliance officer, Chief risk officer
  • Risk systems used
  • Leverage employed, net and gross market exposure
  • Agree to a ‘Look Through’ option
  • 13F filings

With various features to measure specific fund performance data of these popular funds, the Billion Dollar Hedge Fund Database is an essential data source available only to institutional investors including sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, foundations and endowments. Interested investors may contact us for more details.

1,500 billion dollar
130 data points
per fund
90% of NAVs updated
by end of month

Extensive Fund Coverage

The key contents of the Eurekahedge Billion Dollar Hedge Fund Database are:

  • US$531 billion of total assets managed, which constitutes 25% of the hedge fund universe.
  • 685 North American funds, 94 Asian funds, 388 European funds, 6 Latin American funds and 78 emerging market funds
  • 1,092 hedge funds, 228 UCITS hedge funds, 39 commodity trading advisors, 75 long only absolute returns funds and 47 insurance-linked securities hedge funds

1. As at 22 Feb 2025.
2. Live funds are those that are presumed to be actively trading.
3. We consider long only absolute returns funds as a subset of long short equity with a 'long bias'. They have an identical business structure to a long short funds but tend to charge slightly lower fees.

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Comprehensive Data

Eurekahedge databases track over 91 qualitative and data points and 39 statistical measurements per fund, making it easier to analyse managers performances.

Timely Updates

Eurekahedge provides access to the latest information you need for your investment decisions. 94% of all NAVs are updates by month-end.