North American
Hedge Fund Database

The Eurekahedge North American Hedge Fund Database is a list of US hedge funds that are either based in the United States, Canada or based outside of North America (such as London) but investing into it. Included in this database of the best North American hedge funds are single manager hedge funds, commodity trading advisors (CTAs), managed futures and long only absolute return funds.

14,469 alternative
116 data points
per fund
90% of NAVs updated
by end of month

Extensive Fund Coverage

The Eurekahedge North American Hedge Fund Database contains 3 broad categories of funds with:

  • the majority of hedge funds being based in the United States and Canada
  • a number of funds based outside of North America (including Dublin, Geneva, Zurich, London, Luxembourg and many others) but allocate exclusively to North America
  • a handful of very large funds with significant investments in North America. i.e. a global billion dollar fund with a significant US exposure would feature in this database

Specific to the list of US hedge funds are those funds that are SEC exempt and SEC registered and larger funds that report their 13F filings containing their quarterly holdings to the database.

The audience for the Eurekahedge North American Hedge Fund Database are predominantly hedge fund investors such as pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, insurance companies, foundations, endowments, third party marketers and other capital raisers, family offices, funds of funds, managed account platforms, private banks, seeders and high net worth individuals.

1. As at 22 Feb 2025.
2. Live funds are those that are presumed to be actively trading.
3. We consider long only absolute returns funds as a subset of long short equity with a 'long bias'. They have an identical business structure to a long short funds but tend to charge slightly lower fees.
4. Please note we are referring to funds and not management companies. There are many more management companies that run more than US$1bn in alternative assets that do not have a single billion dollar fund.

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Comprehensive Data

Eurekahedge databases track over 91 qualitative and data points and 39 statistical measurements per fund, making it easier to analyse managers performances.

Timely Updates

Eurekahedge provides access to the latest information you need for your investment decisions. 94% of all NAVs are updates by month-end.