Dr Narayan Naik is Director of London Business School's Centre for Hedge Fund Research and Education. The Centre is intended to become the leading academic authority and focal point for new ideas on Hedge Funds in Europe. Specifically, it will focus on areas of research relevant to gaining a better understanding of the strategies employed by hedge funds.
Within the sphere of education the Centre will work on a wide variety of initiatives from the introduction of new electives on the School's MBA and Masters in Finance programmes to the development of the Investment Management Evening Programme and specific executive education short courses.
The Centre was established as the result of an initiative taken by Fauchier Partners, one of Europe's leading specialist firms dedicated to the management of portfolios of Hedge Funds. The Centre is supported by the following funding partners: Bank of Bermuda, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, Fauchier Partners, Merrill Lynch Investment Mangers and Prudential-Bache International Ltd.
Further details of the Centre's work can be found at www.london.edu/hedgefunds.